
Saturday, 14 January 2017

Limitless- A New Favourite ♡

I wanted to share something that I've been really loving lately, it's a bit different to what I usually post about on here but it's fast become one of my favourite things.
When I moved in with my boyfriend we made a decision that we'd try and have little dates when possible, it took a little while to get settled in but I already had an idea in mind for something we could do. Cinema dates are a classic, maybe not the best for a first date but three years in it's pretty fun to go and see new movies, get excited about them and talk about them after, it gets you out of the house and they are pretty good if you have busy, conflicting schedules as you can just pick a film and a time that works with you and go.
My best friend has been telling me about her cinema subscription for ages, Greg wasn't sold on the idea, but once I'd convinced him to go and see the new Bridget Jones movie with me he agreed to give the subscription a go.
Different cinemas have different subscriptions, as our local is Odeon that's the one we went for, we pay £17.99 a month each which lets us see an unlimited number of films, and also gives extra treats such a discounts on food. A regular cinema ticket is about £10-£12 depending on the time so if you go and see two films a month you've already saved money.

Before getting the subscription we would only ever go to the cinema when there was a film we both really wanted to go and see, which was about twice a year, but in the past couple of months we've been several times and have saved about £120. Even better it means we haven't had to be overly selective with the films we've seen, we go and see anything that takes our fancy as opposed to just the films we get really excited about, and if one of us isn't interested in a film it doesn't matter, meaning he got to drag me to Star Wars despite the fact I would never usually see it.
The minimum subscription is a year but you can pay the year up front and save money, you get a card with your photo on it so you can't share the subscription but one thing I did like is that you didn't have to use a typical "passport" photo, it just has to be identifiable so no cringey mugshots necessary.

I know these photos don't seem overly relevant but they are some of my favourite films that I've seen using my subscription, most of them I would never have gone to the cinema to see at full price, films like A Street Cat Named Bob my boyfriend wasn't so keen on, but enjoyed in the end after actually seeing it, likewise with me and Doctor Strange, I actually found that film really boring but because I didn't need to pay to see it I didn't mind napping in it, oops!
This post might seem sponsored but it really wasn't, I just wanted to mention how much I love this subscription and I hadn't really heard of them before my friend told me about them. I think all cinemas will have them so I'd definitely check out your local one and see as they are brilliant if you either love going to the cinema or want to go more often.

Thankyou for reading  

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