
Tuesday, 2 January 2018

New Year, New Goals

So it's currently New Year's Eve and I'm sat on my sofa with tonsillitis having a bit of a sulk at life, it does make a perfect time, however, to reflect a little on the past year and to write up a few goals for the new year.
2017 wasn't the best of years but when I look back it's actually the good things that have made the most impact for me, we got a new kitten, Luna, I made some amazing friends and also have finally come to terms with my mental health, I'm actually going to the doctors in the new year to talk to them which is a little scary but is also giving me a lot of hope. 
I'm not usually one for new year resolutions but I think that's because they are usually things you feel like you should be doing, not what you actually want to do, a few years ago I made a list of resolutions with a mix of things I felt I had to do (learning to drive) and things that I actually wanted to do (getting my first tattoo) but was maybe too nervous or needed a nudge to do and looking back I only ended up doing the things I wanted to do, so this year I'm only setting myself resolutions that I really want to achieve.

1. Save Money (stop spending it on things I don't need)
I've always been terrible at saving money but now that it's getting closer to us being able to move again I really want to have some savings for when we do, I've actually (maybe slightly ironically) bought a book from Paperchase to help log what I'm spending so that I can keep a track of money.

2. Veganuary (and beyond??)
I've been vegetarian now for a couple of years and have been thinking about biting the bullet and going vegan for a while now, veganuary is a charity that encourages people to try veganism for the month of January, I first heard of it through the restaurant I work in as we do offers during the month on vegan food, it's such a good way to set a small goal towards going vegan and I'm hoping I can make the change for good, one thing I do find with this is that it can be really easy to make mistakes as it's not always easy to tell with some foods, if anyone reading this has also been thinking about going vegetarian, vegan or even cruelty free it's so important not to beat yourself up about mistakes as honestly any little helps.

3. Earlier Bed Times (and reading more)
I am terrible at going to bed at a decent time, it's stupidly rare for me to be in bed before 2am let alone asleep so my sleep pattern is so bad, this is one resolution that I'm a little dubious about but I'm thinking if I aim to switch netflix/youtube etc off and go to bed earlier to read then maybe I could be more motivated to do it, I love reading but don't really give myself much chance to do it lately so these two goals could help each other out.

 I was tempted to add more but three seems like a nice little number and as I said at the beginning I don't really want to make goals I'm not really into, one other thing I do want to try though is to blog more, I got a camera for my birthday in November and do have a few set of photos ready to put on here and I'm hoping that once work quietens down in January I might have more time, though I am struggling with lighting as my flat doesn't get any sunlight after about midday at the moment, anyway, I don't want to end this on a negative so if you're still reading, Happy New Year, I hope 2018 treats you well

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