
Monday, 23 May 2016

Infinity Dreams Award Tag ♡

I saw this tag on Gwennan's blog Twenty Something Meltdown-a new favourite of mine, and she kinda tagged anyone so I thought I'd give it  a go, purely because I'm lacking inspiration lately, to be honest I've been struggling a lot with my anxiety and just life in general, I know they say moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do, but I wasn't expecting this much, but this should be a nice distraction so let's give it a go.
You start with 11 facts about yourself, then answer the 11 questions the person before you has left and then ask 11 questions of your own, 11's my lucky number so I kinda love this tag already.

11 Facts About Me-

1-I'm a Scorpio, it's so accurate and I'm a little superstitious.

2-I'm moving to Southampton next month and I actually wanted to move here when I was 16 but had no idea it would actually happen.

3-I don't believe in guilty pleasures, if I want to listen to One Direction and watch Loose Women on youtube I have no regrets.

4-I have a very addictive personality, to the point where I will eat the same foods over and over until I'm sick of them.

5-I both really want to, and really don't want to learn to drive and it drives (pun not intended) both me and my family insane.

6-I've been vegetarian for about 9 months now and am so happy for it, but hate that people seem to judge me for it, everyone makes out like vegetarians and vegans try to force their opinions down peoples throats but for me it's been much the opposite.

7-I worked in a night club/bar for two years and it might not be for everyone but I actually loved it, you meet the best people and it helped my confidence so much.

8-I have four tattoos and I definitely think they're addictive.

9-I used to be a Ravenclaw on Pottermore, but am now a Gryffindor and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

10-I love reading, I always have a book on the go and am always buying more, it's an addiction.

11-I used to be really into quotes, but my favourite now is "don't let the muggles get you down" from Ron in Harry Potter, not the deepest or most inspirational but it's perfectly simple

11 Questions From Gwennan-

1-Why did you decide to take on this tag?  as I mentioned before I've been feeling quite uninspired, and the ideas that I do have for blog posts are ones that are taking me a while to work on, so this was something reasonably fast I could get up and I love reading these, so thought if I did one myself it could be fun

2-Give us an intro to your blog and your brand? this sounds really official, my blog is just my little bit of the internet that I use to talk about whatever I want to, it's definitely not a brand or anything, it's just an outlet for the things I'm passionate about.

3-What's your absolute worst habit? other than the usual being my worst critic, I'd probably say being too spendy, I spend too much money and have no real self restraint, it's not to a dangerous level but it annoys me.

4-Where's the best place you've every travelled? I haven't really travelled very much, I love the coast so my trip to Brighton last year was lovely, but my favourite proper trip was probably to Holland with  my mum, because it was so cool being in a different atmosphere than I'm used to.

5-What's your current TV fix? I mentioned it in my last two favourites posts but Buffy is a major TV/Netflix addiction right now, but I've also been hooked on watching Loose Women clips on youtube lately, it's really interesting and I love that they have short clips of it on youtube.

6-What's your favourite thing about yourself? give yourself some love! Probably my resilience and strength, it might not seem like it when I'm going through tough times but I'm so proud that I always get myself through, especially with my anxiety, for never letting it fully beat me, I might cancel plans sometimes but that's more to give me a break from the exhaustion of fighting it, it isn't me giving in.

7-Who's your biggest inspiration and why? I find many people inspirational but someone lately I particularly admire is Carrie Fletcher, she's living proof that hard work and determination pay off and that your childhood dreams can come true, her book All I Know Now is so inspirational and her personality and character is just incredible.

8-What's your blogging pet peeve? If this is referring to a pet peeve on my own blog it's probably that I seem to get "stuck" all the time, but I think that's just a side effect of the fact that I have a lot going on lately, if it applies to other people I'm not going to mention names or anything but it's the bigger bloggers who seem to just regurgitate press releases, feature brand new products that they've been given and whether they are sincere or not their reviews just seem to be hollow, I don't know if that sounds bitchy but it's bothered me for  a while, also people who are lucky enough to be "Full Time Bloggers" who don't seem to appreciate how lucky they are, complaining about meetings and the amount of samples they have to get through, I'm not trying to hate though and I know that they must have worked hard to get to their positions, it's just disheartening sometimes.

9-What's your day job? I work in a beauty/makeup shop as a key holder/sales assistant, but I am leaving in a month and I'm so sad to be leaving the job and the people.

10-What can't you resist when you're out shopping? At the moment it seems to be underwear, I have a slight addiction to buying cute underwear and socks, but also little home bits and pieces, so far I only have a couple of bits for the flat but I love looking for homeware and watching hauls for them.

11-What have you got planned for the rest of 2016? Next month I'm moving to Southampton, so will be decorating and finding a new job, then it will be settling in, getting comfortable in a completely new place but not much after that, I think we're just going to find out feet and then go from there.

My 11 Questions-
1-What is your number one Netflix/TV/Movie recommendation? 

2-If you were magic what would your patronus be? (From Harry Potter-if you don't know what it is, what animal is most represents you?)

3-If you could create any Lush product what would it be, and what would you call it?

4-What are your favourite shops to shop in?

5-What's your favourite thing about the place you live? 

6-What three words best describe you?

7-What trends (fashion, beauty or anything) are you hoping to see this year or next?

8-What is your number one top makeup/fashion tip?

9-If you could have any book made into a film/TV show what would it be?

10-Do you have any tattoos? Would you like any?

11-What is your favourite quote?

Like Gwennan I'm not going to tag anyone in particular, just whoever feels like it, I hope this wasn't too long but it was nice to have something to concentrate on, thankyou for reading if you made it this far, let me know on twitter if you give this a go 


  1. I loved this and you were so speedy writing it! Number 3 on your facts was my absolute fav! And I totally get what you mean about driving, I was absolutely desperate to drive but didn't want to learn so I did it on and off for a bit but didn't really bother until I was 23 and then I just crammed it all in to a 3 week intensive course and passed and now I LOVE driving as I suspected haha! Totally feel you!

    1. I was in the mood to blog and this was a fun tag to do :') I'm so impressed you did it in three weeks, that's so fast! I know I'd love to drive when I can, the freedom would be amazing, it's just getting over the fear



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