
Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Top 5-Drugstore Face Products ♡

Recently I've found myself more and more impressed with drugstore releases and makeup, I'm not sure what it is but lately they've really been giving higher end brands a run for their money. Saying that it can also be tough to find the great products as the quality can be a bit hit and miss depending on the brand/product. 
I've put together a few posts showing my top picks from the drugstore, all of these products can be found in either Boots or Superdrug in the UK, along with some supermarkets so they should be pretty easy to find, I'm not entirely sure about other parts of the world but hopefully it will be helpful to most people :) 

As far as primers from the drugstore go I've found some great ones, and some terrible ones. My two favourites are the Max Factor facefinity all day primer (£10.99) and the Rimmel fix and perfect pro primer(£6.99). They are both weightless on the skin, apply like a dream and a little goes a long way, the Max Factor one is slightly more expensive but in my opinion is worth the money, 

Foundation wise I'm yet to find one that's perfect (does that even exist?) but that applies to higher end foundations as well, one that has impressed me is the Bourjois healthy mix foundation(£9.99), it's great at making my skin look healthy and glowy without being too much, to be honest I think with any foundation it's about finding the one that works best for you and your skin, I have plenty that I like but didn't want to include too many.

Like foundation I am yet to find a concealer that I love, but one that is close is the Maybelline instant anti age eraser eye (£7.99), it makes you look awake and isn't heavy under the eyes, it's great if you need a product that you know works, so that you can apply it in a rush and not have to worry about it.

Finally we have blushers, I am a complete blush addict and the new release from Max Factor has won me over completely. The creme puff blushes  (£8.99) are perfect, they are pigmented, add a gorgeous glow to the skin and can complete any makeup look, my favourite is nude mauve, it works perfectly with a smokey eye as it just adds enough colour and glow. The shade range could be better but I'm hoping that they increase it in time.

If you have any recommendations for drugstore face products please leave them below, I'm going to be posting my drugstore eye products very soon so keep an eye out for those, thanks for reading! 

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Beating the Blues ♥

Feeling down is something that everyone experiences at some point, and everyone feels it in various ways. Lately I've been feeling really rather blue and thought I'd share a few thoughts on how to cheer yourself up, they might not actually solve the issue that has you down but it's a nice way to raise your spirits in the meantime which is just as important :)

Curl up and Have a Cry-

This might seem a little counterproductive but I find that sometimes I just need a bit of time to feel sad, to curl up in bed and just feel the feels, have a cry and get it out of my system. I find that this then leads to me wanting to get up and do something productive and it can also help you work out what it is you're sad about.

Read a Book or Watch a Film-

When I'm feeling down I love to just escape from reality for a bit and what better way to do that than to immerse yourself into a book or film? Harry Potter is always one of my go to's but if it's a film or book you love then it's perfect, this tip can go hand in hand with the first, once you've moped in bed for a bit why not grab a book and distract yourself?

Listen to Upbeat Songs-

Music had to be in here surely? It may be tempting to cry it out to sad song but I'd much rather dance along to something happier, Disney is always good but my favourite at the moment (it's literally on repeat) is "You Make My Dreams by Daryl Hall & John Oates"'s so catchy and can make me smile no matter what..and it's from the scene in 500 First Dates where Joseph Gordon-Levitt has his little flash mob-esque dance down the street-how could that not make you smile? It's possibly my favourite movie scene ever!

Watch Something Funny-

Whether it's ridiculous youtube videos or a funny TV show anything that makes you laugh is a winner, my best friend recently introduced me to Modern Family and while at first I was skeptical I actually love it, it's hilarious and as the episodes are only 20 minutes long I can put one on before bed and end my day with a giggle :')

Have a Bath and Relax-

Having a bath helps you unwind, you can just relax for a while, not have to worry and just clear your mind. You could also take a book or your laptop in with you if you don't like just lying in the bath.

Get Some Fresh Air-

I spent the majority of today curled up in bed, drifting in and out of sleep, but when I got up and went for a walk it helped to clear my head and sometimes that's just what you need, it doesn't have to be a long walk, just a walk to the shop will do but it's good to get out of the house and get some fresh air. 

Change Your Bedding-

This one's a weird one but bear with me-do you ever find that when you've been ill in bed for a while all you want to do is change your bedding to clear the "ill feeling" from the room? 
I find that if I've been moping in bed for too long feeling sorry for myself then it has the same effect, and there's no better feeling than fresh bed sheets!

Meet a Friend/ Spend Time with Someone-

Being sociable might be the last thing you think you want but I almost always find that seeing a friend cheers me up, they always know how to make you smile and you could talk to them about why you're feeling down, you could even kill two birds with one stone and go for a walk in the fresh air with them, or have a girly film night and have a giggle. Whatever you do try not to shut people out, it'll just make you feel even worse.

I hope these help in some way, if you have any ideas on how to make a blue day not so blue then please leave them below or tweet them to me at @ditsyblogger (casual plug there-sorry!)
thankyou for reading ♥

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