
Thursday, 20 March 2014

Spring Wishlist ♥

I seem to always have an ongoing wishlist, and a lot of products stay put on there for a while, with a holiday coming up and wanting to learn to drive (though the idea still terrifies me) I'm planning on being better with my money, but decided to post a wish list post anyway

Wednesday, 19 March 2014


Gemma from Touch Of Belle came up with this challenge, and I thought it sounded like a really good idea so decided to take part. The idea is that once a fortnight she emails everyone involved a topic, and they have to write a blog post inspired by that topic, this will mean people will be challenged to think outside the box, to post something that they normally wouldn't, but in their own way.
She will be taking ideas from magazines based on things in them that she thinks bloggers can do better.
Anyone can get involved, no matter what you blog about, beauty, books, food..anything, all you need to do is go to her post here, comment below it with your name and email address and she'll tell you the rest.
This is a great way to discover new blogs and meet more bloggers(something I'm excited to do as I've only recently started) and for me it will also act as motivation to blog more. 
There is plenty more time to go over and comment, or to think about whether you want to as I don't think she's starting it until the 1st April *insert April Fools joke here*
it's a brilliant idea and I can't wait for the first topic :)

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Beauty Scenarios Tag ♥

hey, I've seen a few people on youtube do this tag which was created by Lily Pebbles and thought it seemed really interesting so decided to give it a go..

Friday, 7 March 2014

a little bit of TMI..

For some reason I decided to blog at 11pm so don't have the light to take any pictures, so thought I'd do a more chatty, personal post,  so I'm going to answer some of the questions from the TMI tag (because I figured 50 questions would be far too long :'))
Ever been in love?
  I currently am, with my lovely boyfriend, Greg :)

Any piercings?
I have my ears pierced, but because I was young and a wimp they are slightly wonky so I never wear earrings, I also have my belly button pierced and that was a far less dramatic ordeal :)Zodiac sign? I am a Scorpio, and was born on bonfire night
Favourite song? 
I love Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, and currently am in love with I've Told You Now by Sam Smith (the live version)
Favourite Quote? 
I'm definitely a "quote person" and love most quotes from Harry Potter, here are some of my favourites but I have more on my tumblr here
"don't let the muggles get you down"
"what's comin' will come and we'll meet it when it does"
"everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree if will spend it's entire life believing it is stupid"
"in dreams we enter a world that is entirely our own"
Favourite actor?
I love Stanley Tucci, Jennifer Lawrence (obviously..who doesn't?) Aaron Paul, Olivia Coleman and David Tennant.
Favourite color? 
I love sea green, turqoise and orange.
Where do you go when you're sad? 
either my bed,the shower, my boyfriend or tumblr :)
How long does it take you to shower?
having long thick hair it can take about 10/15 minutes, but can be much longer if I'm dawdling/having a full on shower (as in shaving and everything...TMI? I guess that's the point)
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
 back when I was a student I learnt the fun (?) way that I could get up, ready and to school in about ten minutes, though that meant sacrificing proper makeup, proper outfits and breakfast, usually now though it takes me about 20/30 minutes to get dressed and do my makeup, but if I'm taking my time, especially with makeup, it can take about an hour (a)
I have a phobia of being sick, and get nervous when I'm not in control (not in an 'I'm controlling way) but when I'm on transport I'm not in control of for example, and in the same theme around animals that seem erratic, making me scared of moths and butterflies and things that fly..rambly answer..oops..
 Last book you read? 
The Husband's Secret by Lianne Moriarty-it was amazing!
 The book you're currently reading? 
The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan

Last song you sang? 
Happy by PharrellWilliams-that song is everywhere, and is in my head so badly right now

soo I hope that this was slightly interesting, I've really been enjoying this youtube trend :')
thankyou for reading, Yazmine :) 

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