
Saturday, 17 January 2015

New Beginnings ♥

I started this blog about a year ago and have since almost given up, it's not that I haven't wanted to blog, it's just that 2014 threw me off guard a bit and I've been finding myself struggling to find time. I have lots of photos I've been meaning to turn into blog posts but none lately have worked out.
As it's a new year I really want to get back into this, to use it to escape from reality a little I suppose, I'm not having much luck with happiness lately, work is getting me down and I'm letting it invade my personal life, hopefully I'll have settled down within the next few months but until then I am determined to start blogging properly again.

I'm starting off this new beginning with a few resolutions for the new year, Last year I made a few too many but impresses myself with how I managed to succeed in most of them.
Learn to Drive-this one is repeated from last year, I completely failed it last year but a week or so ago my mum taught me the basics of learning to drive and I now have my first ever lesson booked for next week! I'm so scared but I now really want to be able to drive.
Work out a Plan-this one is a little deeper but I've been feeling so lost since I left 6th form and I need some kind of plan, my problem is that I know roughly what I want to do but I can't quite work out what it is if that makes any sense?
Find a Job I Love-this one goes with finding a plan, I've always said that I'd rather have a job that I love than one that pays a million pounds, and at the moment my full time job is neither, I love my part time bar job but working both is exhausting and I'd love to find one that I love that will work with the bar job, I'm just hoping that's possible.

Get another Tattoo-a less serious one and probably one I'm most excited about, last year I got my first tattoo and now I really want more!
Be Healthier-I know everyone says this but I'm really going to try this year, I'm trying to drink more water and cut down on fizzy drinks and junk food, I just struggle with sticking to it.
Find my own Happiness-One thing I've learnt lately is that I rely too much on other people or things to make me happy, with my boyfriend potentially moving to Southampton later this year I'm worried about whether I'll be able to stay positive, I don't want to get too soppy but I'm hoping some people will understand?

Those are all of my resolutions for the year, I'm hoping this year is better than last for everyone, if you've made any resolutions leave them below.
The images in this post are ones I've seen on  Louise's Motivational Monday series, if you love quotes or are just looking for some motivation it's an amazing series and I love reading them from time to time when I need a pick me up, it's just so Louise it's perfect♥
I think this post has been appropriately soppy, it's helped me clear my head a little so now I'm off to bed before a busy double shift tomorrow, Night xx

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