I haven't been subscribed to Glossybox for well over a year, since I had my old blog, and I remember that back then there was a lot of bad reviews of the brand going around, I was never that unimpressed by the boxes that I had but it did get to the point where I couldn't justify getting them as I was on less money and it really was a gamble each month, recently however they seem to have upped their game so I decided to try it out again.
Saturday, 27 September 2014
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Friday, 8 August 2014
We Were Liars -book review
This book is about the last glow of the sunset.
It's about the cinders dancing from the fire.
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
my 2014 bucketlist update ♥ #bloggersdoitbetter
Back in the end of January I decided that I was going to make a bucketlist for the year, I have a general one for the rest of my life but I wanted this to be a year that I worked on things and achieved things.
As it's now more than halfway through the year I figured now was as good a time as ever to revisit my 2014 bucketlist and see what I've achieved, what I'm working on and what I need to start working on.
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Red Lippy Project.
After reading just one blog post about this lipstick I knew I had to have it, I have one other Top Shop lipstick and love it and this one just seemed special. It may look like any other red lipstick but Red Lippy is being sold to raise awareness and money for cervical cancer.
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
my mac lipstick collection-bloggers do it better!
Mac lipsticks are one of those makeup products that most, if not all, beauty lovers have lusted after at some point. I find that if I'm looking for a particular colour/finish then mac is the brand to come to, though I do have to be careful as I don't have a mac store near me and ordering online can be a risk. Regardless of cautionary purchasing and the rise in price since my first purchase (£13-£15..not a lot but why?) I've built a collection that I'm rather happy with.
Friday, 13 June 2014
Large Summer Haul-the emptying of a wishlist..
Over the past few weeks I've been buying quite a few things and more recently I've made a few bigger purchases, as a result I've managed to pretty much empty my wishlist and am now on a little spending ban, to be exact I'm on a spending ban until the 23rd June as that is when something rather exciting is happening, I'm getting so excited anyone would think christmas is round the corner and I can't wait to show you, it'll be on my instagram first if you're interested ;)
for now, here's my first haul (I can't believe I haven't done one sooner!) it is collective, I didn't go and get this all in one go:
Monday, 2 June 2014
#bloggersdosunshinebetter-sunshine makeup and fruity nails :)
When I got the email with this weeks #bloggersdoitbetter challenge I was so excited, I've been more than ready for Summer since boxing day and now that it is finally here (in theory) I'm happy to be cracking out the brighter colours and have even been wearing more colourful makeup on my eyes.
My favourite Sunny eye look is created with the Sleek Del Mar palette, it's beautiful and I love using the orange and coral shades on my lid, the light brown blended into the crease and a few purples and blues on the lower lash line for a pop of colour to bring the blue in my eyes out. With a more neutral peachy blush and a pink lip it is a nice way for me to inject some colour into my looks without going over the top, though I am unsure if I should wear it to work or not..would it go with the bright yellow top/hoodie uniform?
I couldn't make a post about the sunshine without featuring these nails from Primark, I bought them for my holiday for £1 and they were surprisingly easy to apply, though I did clumsily manage to keep dropping them off the bar top on holiday while putting them on, they are adorable and I will hopefully have a review up soon but for a first time false nail wearer they were brilliant, my only complaint would be that I can't wear them to work!
![]() |
how cute?! |
That's it for now, I'm going to try and get better with these posts (and others) and have lots of ideas I need to work on, I hope you enjoyed this post and fingers crossed for more sunshine, even though it does result in us not having much to do at work, thanks for reading and if you have taken part in the challenge please leave the links below as I am really looking forward to reading these ones!
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Bloggers Do It Better-Bright and Neutral (week 3)
I completely missed the second #bloggersdoitbetter post due to an insane amount of work over the Easter period and lack of inspiration for the actual post but when I saw the title of the third post I already knew what I wanted to write about.
I'm one of those people that tends to hide away from bright makeup, I'll pop a bright lip on every now and then but other than that I'm definitely not brave enough, recently though, the last year or so, I've been trying to inject just a little bit of colour into my neutral looks, creating a balance that looks fresh but still every day appropriate-though my "everyday appropriate" is ever changing, in my school a smokey eye for sixth form was pretty much unheard of so I looked a bit odd possibly?
Sunday, 4 May 2014
Ketchup Clouds, My Thoughts.
At the start of the year I set myself the goal to read at least twenty books this year, so far I've managed to read four (not as good as I'd hoped but I'm working on it) and thought I'd start writing some reviews of them, from the four I've finished I have absolutely loved three of them, and so where better to start but with the most recent loved book?
Thursday, 1 May 2014
April Favourites-makeup, films, apps and more
I can't believe I haven't actually posted a monthly favourites yet, they are some of my favourite posts to read and videos to watch, I love them and so it's about time I wrote my own, this is a long post but I really hope that it's worth it, I think it is ;)
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Spring Wishlist ♥
I seem to always have an ongoing wishlist, and a lot of products stay put on there for a while, with a holiday coming up and wanting to learn to drive (though the idea still terrifies me) I'm planning on being better with my money, but decided to post a wish list post anyway
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Gemma from Touch Of Belle came up with this challenge, and I thought it sounded like a really good idea so decided to take part. The idea is that once a fortnight she emails everyone involved a topic, and they have to write a blog post inspired by that topic, this will mean people will be challenged to think outside the box, to post something that they normally wouldn't, but in their own way.
She will be taking ideas from magazines based on things in them that she thinks bloggers can do better.
Anyone can get involved, no matter what you blog about, beauty, books, food..anything, all you need to do is go to her post here, comment below it with your name and email address and she'll tell you the rest.
This is a great way to discover new blogs and meet more bloggers(something I'm excited to do as I've only recently started) and for me it will also act as motivation to blog more.
There is plenty more time to go over and comment, or to think about whether you want to as I don't think she's starting it until the 1st April *insert April Fools joke here*
it's a brilliant idea and I can't wait for the first topic :)
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Beauty Scenarios Tag ♥
hey, I've seen a few people on youtube do this tag which was created by Lily Pebbles and thought it seemed really interesting so decided to give it a go..
beauty scenarios,
estee lauder raisins duo,
lily pebbles,
Friday, 7 March 2014
a little bit of TMI..
For some reason I decided to blog at 11pm so don't have the light to take any pictures, so thought I'd do a more chatty, personal post, so I'm going to answer some of the questions from the TMI tag (because I figured 50 questions would be far too long :'))
Any piercings?
I have my ears pierced, but because I was young and a wimp they are slightly wonky so I never wear earrings, I also have my belly button pierced and that was a far less dramatic ordeal :)Zodiac sign? I am a Scorpio, and was born on bonfire night
Favourite song?
I love Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, and currently am in love with I've Told You Now by Sam Smith (the live version)
Favourite Quote?
I'm definitely a "quote person" and love most quotes from Harry Potter, here are some of my favourites but I have more on my tumblr here
I have my ears pierced, but because I was young and a wimp they are slightly wonky so I never wear earrings, I also have my belly button pierced and that was a far less dramatic ordeal :)Zodiac sign? I am a Scorpio, and was born on bonfire night
Favourite song?
I love Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, and currently am in love with I've Told You Now by Sam Smith (the live version)
Favourite Quote?
I'm definitely a "quote person" and love most quotes from Harry Potter, here are some of my favourites but I have more on my tumblr here
"don't let the muggles get you down"
"what's comin' will come and we'll meet it when it does"
"everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree if will spend it's entire life believing it is stupid"
"in dreams we enter a world that is entirely our own"
Favourite actor?
I love Stanley Tucci, Jennifer Lawrence (obviously..who doesn't?) Aaron Paul, Olivia Coleman and David Tennant.
Favourite actor?
I love Stanley Tucci, Jennifer Lawrence (obviously..who doesn't?) Aaron Paul, Olivia Coleman and David Tennant.
Favourite color?
I love sea green, turqoise and orange.
Where do you go when you're sad?
either my bed,the shower, my boyfriend or tumblr :)
How long does it take you to shower?
having long thick hair it can take about 10/15 minutes, but can be much longer if I'm dawdling/having a full on shower (as in shaving and everything...TMI? I guess that's the point)
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
back when I was a student I learnt the fun (?) way that I could get up, ready and to school in about ten minutes, though that meant sacrificing proper makeup, proper outfits and breakfast, usually now though it takes me about 20/30 minutes to get dressed and do my makeup, but if I'm taking my time, especially with makeup, it can take about an hour (a)
I have a phobia of being sick, and get nervous when I'm not in control (not in an 'I'm controlling way) but when I'm on transport I'm not in control of for example, and in the same theme around animals that seem erratic, making me scared of moths and butterflies and things that fly..rambly answer..oops..
Last book you read?
The Husband's Secret by Lianne Moriarty-it was amazing!
The book you're currently reading?
The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan
Last song you sang?
Happy by PharrellWilliams-that song is everywhere, and is in my head so badly right now
soo I hope that this was slightly interesting, I've really been enjoying this youtube trend :')
thankyou for reading, Yazmine :)
I love sea green, turqoise and orange.
Where do you go when you're sad?
either my bed,the shower, my boyfriend or tumblr :)
How long does it take you to shower?
having long thick hair it can take about 10/15 minutes, but can be much longer if I'm dawdling/having a full on shower (as in shaving and everything...TMI? I guess that's the point)
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
back when I was a student I learnt the fun (?) way that I could get up, ready and to school in about ten minutes, though that meant sacrificing proper makeup, proper outfits and breakfast, usually now though it takes me about 20/30 minutes to get dressed and do my makeup, but if I'm taking my time, especially with makeup, it can take about an hour (a)
I have a phobia of being sick, and get nervous when I'm not in control (not in an 'I'm controlling way) but when I'm on transport I'm not in control of for example, and in the same theme around animals that seem erratic, making me scared of moths and butterflies and things that fly..rambly answer..oops..
Last book you read?
The Husband's Secret by Lianne Moriarty-it was amazing!
The book you're currently reading?
The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan
Last song you sang?
Happy by PharrellWilliams-that song is everywhere, and is in my head so badly right now
soo I hope that this was slightly interesting, I've really been enjoying this youtube trend :')
thankyou for reading, Yazmine :)
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
blush addict? quite possibly...
I've been thinking of ideas for my first makeup/beauty post..and how better to start than with a post all about my favourite type of product at the moment? so blushers it is.
Before 2012 I only had one blusher, back when I was about 13 (it was peach melba by natural collection) but when that got shattered backstage at a school musical I didn't really miss it so didn't feel the need to get another one, so I didn't have a blusher until Summer 2012, since then my collection has grown significantly and I am head over heels with most of them and could happily buy more, but I am taking control and will behave myself, so here is my blush collection as it stands..until I relapse and buy more..
12 blushers..18 counting individuals in the palettes..too many?
the three cheaper blushers, the MUA shade 4 was the one that restarted my blush usage, Natural Collections Pink Cloud is my go to blush for when I'm ill as it helps give a healthy glow to the skin and MUA English Rose is a quick and easy one you can wear without highlighters.
The Stila Colour Me Pretty (or paint me pretty?) palette is a newer purchase, it contains five cream blushers that are all a little tackier than my other cream blushers, but are all pretty, kitten I think is unique to this palette and is the same colour as the eyeshadow of the same name. These double up as lip colours which I am yet to try but when I wear them as blushers I do set them with a powder blush of a similar colour. The only problem I have is the packaging, the names are on the cardboard sleeve and the tin/plastic is not the sturdiest, it is beautiful though :)
(£19.50, I got it with £10 off at asos though so worth seeing if they get it back in stock)
Sleek are well known for their blushers, in the UK at least, Rose Gold is supposed to be a dupe for Nars Orgasm but possibly not since they reformulated, the Pink Lemonade palette is one of my absolute favourites right now, Macaroon is a cream-powder kind of finish and Icing Sugar and Pink Mint look stunning over the top of it (though it's fine worn alone too) and they also work well over the Stila colours. Flamingo is my best friends every day brush and looks beautiful but care is needed as it can be very bright, I like the look of the other Sleek palettes but none of them have really caught my eye that much.
Benefit seem to have a blusher for everyone, the boxed ones smell lovely and I got Rockateur for my birthday from my boyfriend, it's so beautiful and he had great taste (not as if he took it out of my hands when we were on the ferry to Spain-duty free makeup, so good!) Fine One One was an impulse buy last summer and it is quite sheer but lovely for light makeup days in Summer.
I've had mac's gingerly for so long and for the longest time it was the only one I wore ever yet I only just hit pan on it, it's a sheertone finish so you can build it up, it's a very neutral blush and is the one I reach for when I don't know what else to use, it's stunning and I love it, though can mac please stop raising their prices please?! I got Illamasqua's Dixie in their sale in January for £7.50 (amazing!) it's an easy to work with cream blusher that I wear either by itself or under either of the Sleek blushers from the Pink Lemonade palette, or under Stereo Rose (though I only got that today, looks good though) speaking of Stereo Rose, I'd heard a lot about this and people seem to love it every time it comes out, and from what I can tell it changes slightly each time it comes out, this was supposed to come out in March as part of their new collection but I noticed it was already out online last week, so I got it then and am glad as it's not sold out, though it may be brought back in March, or be in shops at some point. It's a beautiful rosy peach(?) with shimmer, definitely not one you need a highlighter with and I love it already :')
So that is my collection of blushers, I know everyone says this but I'm not trying to brag or show off in any way, I just wanted to start with something I love and talk about some lovely products, I hope you enjoyed it and if you could recommend some blushers that you love/think I'd enjoy below.
Thanks for reading, and I'll try and post again soon :)
Yazmine xx
Monday, 10 February 2014
2014 To Read List ♥
When I was thinking about ways to start this blog I couldn't really think of anything I liked, then I decided I'd jump straight in with one of my resolutions for the year, to get back into reading. I love reading so much but for some reason last year I didn't do nearly enough for my liking, whereas before I could read loads of books in a year, last year I had a whole stack next to my bed but didn't finish any of them, this year I have set myself the challenge of reading (at least) twenty books, and have made a list of some of the ones I want to read, and have already finished two of them (yay!) here is my list of books I want to read in 2014, if you have read any and have an opinion (please no spoilers) or have any other books you would like to recommend please do as the list is not complete and knowing me it will change at least once over the year:
Never Let Me Go-Kazuo Ishiguro. (finished)
Is It Just Me?-Miranda Hart.
Looking for Alaska-John Green.
The Husband's Secret-Liane Moriarty. (finished)
Allegiant-Veronica Roth.
The DaVinci Code-Dan Brown.
Dear John-Nicholas Sparks.
May I Have Your Attention Please?-James Corden.
Mini Shopaholic-Sophie Kinsella.
Lucky-Alice Sebold.
Before I Go To Sleep-S J Watson.
The Hobbit-J.R.R Tolkien.
The Lover's Dictionary-David Levithan.
Now, if my maths is correct (which it often isn't...) that is thirteen books, meaning I have the rest of the year to find another seven, I'm also planning on doing reviews of the books once I've read them so there should be two reviews coming up soon.
Thankyou for reading my first post, they won't all be bookish ones I promise, and again if you have any recommendations or opinions please feel free to leave them below.
Yazmine xx
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